Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Thoughts on "10 Things Most Americans Don't Know About America"

I was told by my friend to respond with my thoughts on this blogpost titled "10 Things Most Americans Don't Know About America." Instead of just a short response I ended up writing a blogpost. The post I am responding to is well-thought out and the author seems to have a lot of experience all around the world. In contrast, these are just my thoughts so far as an ignorant foreigner in a new country.


1.Few People Are Impressed by Us
Sure, but a lot of Korean students seem to be. One told me that there is a belief that Americans do everything right. I guess I see it like looking up to your big brother that you find out later isn't so great.

2. Few People hate us
I agree. We do have people in Korea that hate Americans and want westerners in general gone, but I can't imagine people spending that much thought on it.

3. We Know Nothing about the Rest of the World
True, but to me it is more that the rest of the world seems to know everything about us. Part of me says Americans shouldn't have to care about the history of other nations, yet most people from other countries seem to know something about Washington, Lincoln, MLK, the Civil War and so on. They know our culture. We don't know theirs. I kind of feel sorry for people here sometimes when I find out how much they know about America because they really don't need to know a lot of it.

4. We are poor at expressing gratitude and affection
I just read a great article by Simon Pegg on this issue. He thinks Americans are more affectionate and more honest with their feelings than the British. So, at least we have someone beat. I have been told that Korea isn't very open about these types of things either, but I seem to be doing okay so far.

5. Quality of Life for the average American is Not that Great
I love the American sense of exceptionalism and continue to be a product of it. I am self-deluded and loving it. That being said, he is right. The quote by Steinbeck is spot on. It is like the poor are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

6. The Rest Of The World Is Not A Slum-Ridden Shithole Compared To Us
I agree. The rest of the world is catching up and hopefully that will lead to more peace and equality than the world has ever seen.

7. We're Paranoid
This is true. Strangers in Korea have been extremely friendly. I have yet to feel in danger at all. When I got to the airport the guy sitting next to me on the plane helped me all the way to the desk to get to my hotel. He even offered me a ride to the hotel himself but I thought it was best to take the free ride from the hotel. But, Koreans can be paranoid too. Just today I found out that many believe in something called "fan death." You should never ever leave your fan on while you sleep at night for fear that it will kill you. The way it was explained to me, fans blow the oxygen away so that you aphyxiate. It is taken seriously and even the government has issued warnings about fans.

8. We’re Status-Obsessed And Seek Attention
This is true, especially for me. Koreans don't like attention.

9. We Are Very Unhealthy
True. In America, we eat because it tastes good, so we eat a lot, and a lot of it is bad for you. In Korea, it seems like everything is done for your health. You can't just go to the spa because it is relaxing but because it does something physically for your skin or relieves some illness. Every food has some special purpose. Dog is eaten during hot weather and is considered a health food. I admire how health-conscious they are, but for me it is like turning an every day activity into a doctor's appointment. It kind of ruins the fun.

10. We Mistake Comfort For Happiness
Definitely true. But I think that it is sadly becoming more true around the world as more cultures begin to adopt our way of life. I also think this blogger is talking more about the difference between people who stay home and those who leave. Just about everyone in America is going to look complacent and docile next to someone who has traveled the world. You can find docile and complacent people everywhere you go. I am not sure how much worse we really have it than others. I suppose when I look at Korean students versus American students, the holds up. Koreans are willing to sacrifice and work hard all day long for what they want. Americans expect the teacher to do all the work and expect something for nothing. I do suspect Americans have more fun than Koreans do, but I could be wrong.

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